Delete allows you to delete the currently selected entry. IT IS VERY POOR ACCOUNTING TO DELETE ENTRIES. You should normally just VOID them. This is provided so that if something REALLY gets messed up, you can get rid of it.
Clicking this button will allow you to insert a transaction immediately above the one currently selected. You cannot insert a transaction before the first transaction in the account.
If you are balancing your checkbook and just can't seem to get it to work, enter the bank's balance in the text box and click balance. This button won't highlight until "Check Balance" has been clicked.
Click this button to have CheckWriter find the balance of your "cleared" checks. It doesn't do this automatically because it can take some time, and you don't always call up this dialog just to balance your checkbook.
Click this button to call up a simple "Find" dialog to search for something in the register. If the entry found wasn't the one you wanted, you can press COMMAND-A to Find with the same values Again.
If the currently selected field is not voided, clicking here will void (disregard) it. If the entry is already voided, clicking here will "Unvoid" it.
When balancing your checkbook, if the amount figured here is different from the amount listed on your statement, enter the amount from the statement here and click the "Adjust" button.
The value at the end of this line is the current account balance.
After you click "Check Balance", the value at the end of this line is the balance of checks marked as cleared.
Click this button to edit the currently selected transaction.
This column shows the current balance after each transaction.
If the amount of the transaction is a deposit (credit) it is listed in this column.
The boxes in this column indicate whether the item has cleared the bank or not.
If the amount of the transaction is a payment (debit) it is listed in this column.
This column lists the descriptions of the transactions.
This column lists the month and day of the transaction.
This column lists check numbers (where appropriate).
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.
If this item listed in this line has cleared the bank (been included on your monthly statement,) click here.